Dr Clarke- Walker is a Consultant Psychiatrist who has specialised in Adult Psychiatry and Addictions. He has a special interest in Psychological trauma such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), stress and anger issues as well as phobias. He has conducted research into innovative and exciting therapeutic interventions for those suffering with Psychological trauma.
Prior to studying medicine Dr Clarke- Walker attended a School of Pharmacy and obtained a BSc (Hons) in Pharmacology leading to a successful career in business working with world leading pharmaceutical companies allowing him to witness the effect high pressure careers can have on mental health. This experience has proved invaluable to understand life from a non medical perspective and has also helped in founding Ahed Therapies (www.ahedtherapies.co.uk) a private mental health service.
Dr Clarke-Walker is a member of the UK and European Psychological Trauma Societies.
Dr Clarke-Walker welcomes referrals from anyone suffering with mental health issues, including war veterans. GP referral letters are not necessary; he is registered with most major insurance companies.